Personal Property Appraisals
We provide confidential, unbiased, well documented appraisal reports based on solid analysis. Each report is written according to both the ISA standards and the most current version of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
Nunneley Estates & Appraisals offers valuation of antiques, collectibles, furnishings, porcelain, pottery, books, glass, crystal, fine art, prints, sculptures, bronzes, silver, Native American jewelry, designer costume jewelry, decorative arts, general residential contents, fine wine and more. Items outside our area of expertise are evaluated by contacting other appraisers in our network.

Insurance Coverage and Claims
Our insurance appraisals are used to assist clients in obtaining or updating insurance coverage. For insurance purposes, we estimate the replacement value. Replacement value is the amount it would cost to replace an item with one similar should it be lost, damaged, or destroyed.
We also provide appraisal reports used in settlement claims after damage or loss of personal property. Our clients include claims adjusters, agents, moving companies, attorneys and individuals.

Equitable Distribution
These types of appraisals are performed for the intended uses of:
Family division among heirs or beneficiaries
Business Dissolution
other functions
IRS Functions
Appraisal reports prepared for federal functions must meet IRS code regulations. Our appraisals meet these strict guidelines, and are often the most sophisticated and detailed reports prepared.
Charitable Contribution
When making a non-cash donation of household goods, paintings, antiques or other objects of art, a Qualified Appraisal may be required by the IRS along with form 8283. Our goal is to determine the fair market value of the property for income tax purposes.
Federal Estate Tax Reporting
We write appraisals when a client or tax advisor indicates that Form 706 filing is required by a decedent's estate. A personal property appraisal report by a qualified appraiser is required if the fair market value of "any item or collection of similar items is valued at more than $3,000" (IRS Form 706, Schedule F Instructions).
Liquidation Appraisals
These types of reports are requested when clients need to convert personal property into cash in a given amount of time. This can be for:
Client desire to liquidate
IRS functions
In these appraisals, we take into account the urgency to sell, the markets available to the seller for liquidation and determine who the potential buyers may be. Depending on these and other factors, valuation methods at the liquidation level differ.

Other valuation services
When a formal written appraisal is not needed, we offer:
Cataloging and inventory creation
Price tagging assistance for private sale
Oral opinions of value for liquidation purposes
Sales advisory, auction research and estate sale tips
Personal Property Appraisal Process
1. Consultation. A phone call to determine purpose and objective of appraisal, then schedule an appointment for onsite inspection, video walkthrough, or review of inventory list.
2. Inventory creation. During an onsite inspection, we create an inventory list and capture photographs. When onsite inspection is not possible, we may be able to offer an appraisal based on inventory lists, photographs, or video walkthrough.
3. Offsite research and report writing. Market research and final preparation of report are performed offsite. All appraisal reports are written in conformity with the current version of ISA’s Appraisal Report Writing Standard and according to current USPAP guidelines.
4. Delivery of report. We email your photographic appraisal report (PDF). Hard copies are mailed by request. One copy is retained in our files for a period of five years after preparation of the report. (Per USPAP's Record Keeping Rule)
Our Appraisal Fees
Appraisal fees are billed at an hourly rate for time spent reviewing, documenting, researching, and report writing. We are time conscious, and work efficiently to make the most of each hour. Deposit for the low estimate of fees is required at the time of inspection. Please contact us via phone or email to request a copy of our fee schedule. Our appraisal fees are never contingent on the value conclusions found.
Confidentiality Pledge
The contents of each appraisal report are confidential, and we will not divulge any information regarding the assignment to anyone but the intended users without the client's consent or a court order.